

You can install and launch the latest OHI application from the cross-platform, open-source statistics software (install R on Windows or Mac with the code below. To begin:

  1. Update R. Download the latest version here
  2. Update RStudio. RStudio is optional, but highly recommended. Download the latest version here.
  3. Update all R packages. This can be done from the ‘packages’ menu in R or RStudio

Now, paste the following code into your R console:

While not necessary, we recommend using RStudio as your R interface for syntax highlighting of code and overall integrated development environment. To learn more about R, we’ve compiled some resources on Learning R.


As upgrades are available for the Toolbox, please simply rerun the install instructions above after ensuring that the ohicore library is not already loaded. This can be done by first restarting R or by typing remove.packages('ohicore') in the R console.


Here’s a 10.5 minute video demonstrating how to Install and Explore the Ocean Health Index Toolbox App as a:


Please see Troubleshooting page.

Next Steps

If you are interested in creating a custom OHI analysis scenario specific to a country, you may want to start with these tips on how to Create Regions.