New goals page compares different modeling approaches

by Ning Jiang

Looking for guidance on how to develop a goal model? Or just curious about what an OHI goal represents? We have created this Goals page on to provide this information and answer your questions.

Goals, the categorized ocean benefits delivered to humans in the Ocean Health Index, are widely recognized for supporting human well-being and sustainable ocean ecosystems. They are the building blocks of an OHI assessment, which are assessed individually and then combined to produce an OHI score. One major part of conducting an OHI assessment is figuring out how to represent and model these goals. On the Goals page, you will find the philosophy of the goal, an ideal approach of how it would be represented, practical guidance for modelling, and examples from completed assessments. (add links to other blog posts, such as “how to utilize other OHI assessments”, etc)

This page should prove useful for any stage of an OHI+ assessment, and will be constantly updated. Plus, check out these adorable icons for each goal!