How to use other OHI assessments for guidance
*Updated August 8 2018 by J. Lowndes
Read More...*Updated August 8 2018 by J. Lowndes
Read More...Our redesigned website has all the open-science resources our team offers. But so many new pages and features might seem a bit overwhelming. Not to worry, here is a quick guide on how to find the resources you need to start your own OHI+ assessment.
Read More...Looking for guidance on how to develop a goal model? Or just curious about what an OHI goal represents? We have created this Goals page on to provide this information and answer your questions.
Read More...The Ocean Health Index team is proud to announce the launch of our redesigned website. is the primary resource for Ocean Health Index (OHI) scientific information, tools, and instruction. These resources can be used by anyone to lead independent OHI assessments, called OHI+ assessments.
Read More...We are proud to announce our new publication in the open-access online peer-reviewed journal PeerJ:
‘Best practices for assessing ocean health in multiple contexts using tailorable frameworks’.