More recent events

by Julie Lowndes

More news from the OHI team — we have been busy!

We have restructured a bit, now that it’s been over a year since its first launch. We now have Global assessments, the OHI process, and all OHI assessments under the Projects page. We’ve also added new features on the Resources page, including the Data we use in global assessments, and Training materials that are available even as they are developed. You can also navigate to the Forum from the Resources tab. Check it out!

Steve Katona led a paper that has been published by OpenChannels: Navigating the seascape of ocean management: waypoints on the voyage toward sustainable use. OpenChannels also published a short article about it: EBM Toolbox: A new, short, and free primer on modern ocean management. Full citation: Katona, S.K., J. Polsenberg, J.S.S. Lowndes et al. 2017. Navigating the seascape of ocean management: waypoints on the voyage toward sustainable use. OpenChannels: Forum for Ocean Planning and Management. 44 pp..

Casey O’Hara led a paper published in PLOS One: “Aligning marine species range data to better serve science and conservation”. You can read the paper here, or check out our interactive web application where you can explore our results and compare range maps of more than 250 different species. Full citation:O’Hara CC, Afflerbach JC, Scarborough C, Kaschner K, Halpern BS (2017) Aligning marine species range data to better serve science and conservation. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0175739. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175739.

We gave a webinar on Open Channels: Transforming how we approach marine science for management. Julie Lowndes and Erich Pacheco focused on how using open data science practices and tools have played a huge role in the OHI project growing into what it is today, with 20 countries around the world building directly off our science and our code. Watch the recorded webinar!

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