region | region ID | ISO code | type | administrative country |
Albania | 82 | ALB | country | |
Algeria | 84 | DZA | country | |
American Samoa | 151 | ASM | territory | United States |
Amsterdam Island and Saint Paul Island | 92 | ATF | territory | France |
Andaman and Nicobar | 26 | IND | territory | India |
Angola | 200 | AGO | country | |
Anguilla | 118 | AIA | territory | United Kingdom |
Antigua and Barbuda | 120 | ATG | country | |
Argentina | 172 | ARG | country | |
Aruba | 250 | AW | territory | Netherlands |
Ascension | 85 | ASC | territory | United Kingdom |
Australia | 16 | AUS | country | |
Azores | 55 | PRT | territory | Portugal |
Bahamas | 110 | BHS | country | |
Bahrain | 52 | BHR | country | |
Bangladesh | 204 | BGD | country | |
Barbados | 124 | BRB | country | |
Bassas da India | 34 | ATF | territory | France |
Belgium | 59 | BEL | country | |
Belize | 164 | BLZ | country | |
Benin | 99 | BEN | country | |
Bermuda | 108 | BMU | territory | United Kingdom |
Bonaire | 245 | BQ | territory | Netherlands |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 232 | BIH | country | |
Bouvet Island | 105 | BVT | territory | Norway |
Brazil | 171 | BRA | country | |
British Indian Ocean Territory | 38 | IOT | territory | United Kingdom |
British Virgin Islands | 117 | VGB | territory | United Kingdom |
Brunei | 247 | BRN | country | |
Bulgaria | 71 | BGR | country | |
Cambodia | 24 | KHM | country | |
Cameroon | 197 | CMR | country | |
Canada | 218 | CAN | country | |
Canary Islands | 58 | ESP | territory | Spain |
Cape Verde | 56 | CPV | country | |
Cayman Islands | 113 | CYM | territory | United Kingdom |
Chile | 224 | CHL | country | |
China | 209 | CHN | country | |
Christmas Island | 2 | CXR | territory | Australia |
Clipperton Island | 107 | CPT | territory | France |
Cocos Islands | 1 | CCK | territory | Australia |
Colombia | 132 | COL | country | |
Comoro Islands | 28 | COM | country | |
Cook Islands | 153 | COK | territory | New Zealand |
Costa Rica | 130 | CRI | country | |
Croatia | 187 | HRV | country | |
Crozet Islands | 91 | ATF | territory | France |
Cuba | 112 | CUB | country | |
Curacao | 244 | CW | territory | Netherlands |
Cyprus | 81 | CYP | country | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 199 | COD | country | |
Denmark | 175 | DNK | country | |
Djibouti | 46 | DJI | country | |
Dominica | 123 | DMA | country | |
Dominican Republic | 115 | DOM | country | |
East Timor | 231 | TLS | country | |
Ecuador | 137 | ECU | country | |
Egypt | 214 | EGY | country | |
El Salvador | 134 | SLV | country | |
Equatorial Guinea | 104 | GNQ | country | |
Eritrea | 45 | ERI | country | |
Estonia | 70 | EST | country | |
Faeroe Islands | 141 | FRO | territory | Denmark |
Falkland Islands | 95 | FLK | territory | United Kingdom |
Fiji | 18 | FJI | country | |
Finland | 174 | FIN | country | |
France | 179 | FRA | country | |
French Guiana | 169 | GUF | territory | France |
French Polynesia | 147 | PYF | territory | France |
Gabon | 198 | GAB | country | |
Gambia | 65 | GMB | country | |
Georgia | 74 | GEO | country | |
Germany | 176 | DEU | country | |
Ghana | 106 | GHA | country | |
Gibraltar | 60 | GIB | territory | United Kingdom |
Glorioso Islands | 30 | ATF | territory | France |
Greece | 80 | GRC | country | |
Greenland | 145 | GRL | territory | Denmark |
Grenada | 125 | GRD | country | |
Guadeloupe and Martinique | 140 | GP-MQ | territory | France |
Guatemala | 136 | GTM | country | |
Guernsey | 228 | GGY | territory | United Kingdom |
Guinea | 194 | GIN | country | |
Guinea Bissau | 193 | GNB | country | |
Guyana | 167 | GUY | country | |
Haiti | 114 | HTI | country | |
Heard and McDonald Islands | 94 | HMD | territory | Australia |
Honduras | 133 | HND | country | |
Howland Island and Baker Island | 158 | UMI | territory | United States |
Iceland | 143 | ISL | country | |
Ile Europa | 35 | ATF | territory | France |
Ile Tromelin | 36 | ATF | territory | France |
India | 203 | IND | country | |
Indonesia | 216 | IDN | country | |
Iran | 191 | IRN | country | |
Iraq | 192 | IRQ | country | |
Ireland | 181 | IRL | country | |
Israel | 79 | ISR | country | |
Italy | 184 | ITA | country | |
Ivory Coast | 195 | CIV | country | |
Jamaica | 166 | JAM | country | |
Jan Mayen | 144 | SJM | territory | Norway |
Japan | 210 | JPN | country | |
Jarvis Island | 149 | UMI | territory | United States |
Jersey | 227 | JEY | territory | United Kingdom |
Johnston Atoll | 159 | UMI | territory | United States |
Jordan | 215 | JOR | country | |
Juan de Nova Island | 33 | ATF | territory | France |
Kenya | 43 | KEN | country | |
Kerguelen Islands | 93 | ATF | territory | France |
Kiribati | 212 | KIR | country | |
Kuwait | 51 | KWT | country | |
Latvia | 69 | LVA | country | |
Lebanon | 78 | LBN | country | |
Liberia | 97 | LBR | country | |
Libya | 67 | LBY | country | |
Line Group | 148 | KIR | territory | Kiribati |
Lithuania | 189 | LTU | country | |
Macquarie Island | 4 | AUS | territory | Australia |
Madagascar | 42 | MDG | country | |
Madeira | 57 | PRT | territory | Portugal |
Malaysia | 206 | MYS | country | |
Maldives | 39 | MDV | country | |
Malta | 68 | MLT | country | |
Marshall Islands | 11 | MHL | country | |
Mauritania | 64 | MRT | country | |
Mauritius | 37 | MUS | country | |
Mayotte | 29 | MYT | territory | France |
Mexico | 135 | MEX | country | |
Micronesia | 9 | FSM | country | |
Monaco | 185 | MCO | country | |
Montenegro | 186 | MNE | country | |
Montserrat | 121 | MSR | territory | United Kingdom |
Morocco | 62 | MAR | country | |
Mozambique | 41 | MOZ | country | |
Myanmar | 205 | MMR | country | |
Namibia | 101 | NAM | country | |
Nauru | 10 | NRU | country | |
Netherlands | 177 | NLD | country | |
New Caledonia | 5 | NCL | territory | France |
New Zealand | 162 | NZL | country | |
Nicaragua | 131 | NIC | country | |
Nigeria | 196 | NGA | country | |
Niue | 154 | NIU | territory | New Zealand |
Norfolk Island | 3 | NFK | territory | Australia |
North Korea | 21 | PRK | country | |
Northern Mariana Islands and Guam | 13 | MNP | territory | United States |
Northern Saint-Martin | 221 | MAF | territory | France |
Norway | 223 | NOR | country | |
Oecussi Ambeno | 237 | TLS | territory | East Timor |
Oman | 48 | OMN | country | |
Pakistan | 53 | PAK | country | |
Palau | 8 | PLW | country | |
Palmyra Atoll | 150 | UMI | territory | United States |
Panama | 129 | PAN | country | |
Papua New Guinea | 17 | PNG | country | |
Peru | 138 | PER | country | |
Philippines | 15 | PHL | country | |
Phoenix Group | 157 | KIR | territory | Kiribati |
Pitcairn | 146 | PCN | territory | United Kingdom |
Poland | 178 | POL | country | |
Portugal | 183 | PRT | country | |
Prince Edward Islands | 90 | ZAF | territory | South Africa |
Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands of the United States | 116 | PRI | territory | United States |
Qatar | 190 | QAT | country | |
Republique du Congo | 100 | COG | territory | R_publique du Congo |
Reunion | 32 | REU | territory | France |
Romania | 72 | ROU | country | |
Russia | 73 | RUS | country | |
Saba | 248 | BES | territory | Netherlands |
Saint Helena | 86 | SHN | territory | United Kingdom |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 119 | KNA | country | |
Saint Lucia | 122 | LCA | country | |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 219 | SPM | territory | France |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 127 | VCT | country | |
Samoa | 152 | WSM | country | |
Sao Tome and Principe | 103 | STP | country | |
Saudi Arabia | 50 | SAU | country | |
Senegal | 66 | SEN | country | |
Seychelles | 31 | SYC | country | |
Sierra Leone | 96 | SLE | country | |
Singapore | 208 | SGP | country | |
Sint Eustatius | 249 | ANT | territory | Netherlands |
Sint Maarten | 220 | SXM | territory | Netherlands |
Slovenia | 188 | SVN | country | |
Solomon Islands | 7 | SLB | country | |
Somalia | 44 | SOM | country | |
South Africa | 102 | ZAF | country | |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | 89 | SGS | territory | United Kingdom |
South Korea | 20 | KOR | country | |
Spain | 182 | ESP | country | |
Sri Lanka | 40 | LKA | country | |
Sudan | 49 | SDN | country | |
Suriname | 168 | SUR | country | |
Sweden | 222 | SWE | country | |
Syria | 77 | SYR | country | |
Taiwan | 14 | TWN | country | |
Tanzania | 202 | TZA | country | |
Thailand | 25 | THA | country | |
Togo | 98 | TGO | country | |
Tokelau | 156 | TKL | territory | New Zealand |
Tonga | 155 | TON | country | |
Trinidad and Tobago | 126 | TTO | country | |
Tristan da Cunha | 88 | TAA | territory | United Kingdom |
Tunisia | 61 | TUN | country | |
Turkey | 76 | TUR | country | |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 111 | TCA | territory | United Kingdom |
Tuvalu | 19 | TUV | country | |
Ukraine | 75 | UKR | country | |
United Arab Emirates | 54 | ARE | country | |
United Kingdom | 180 | GBR | country | |
United States | 163 | USA | country | |
Uruguay | 173 | URY | country | |
Vanuatu | 6 | VUT | country | |
Venezuela | 139 | VEN | country | |
Vietnam | 207 | VNM | country | |
Wake Island | 12 | UMI | territory | United States |
Wallis and Futuna | 161 | WLF | territory | France |
Western Sahara | 63 | ESH | territory | Morocco |
Yemen | 47 | YEM | country |
One of the first steps of conducting an OHI assessment is defining regions of interest. These can be based on political and/or ecological boundaries. The definition of a “region” varies depending on the goals and scale of the OHI assessment. For the global OHI, each region is defined as the Exclusive Economic Zone boundaries (EEZ, Claus et al. 2012) area (300 nm offshore) for all coastal countries and territories (e.g., US Virgin Islands).
There are 220 global coastal countries and territorial regions (Table 4.1). Regions are based on EEZ boundaries. However, we aggregate some EEZ regions to the level of country (e.g., Hawaii is estimated as part of the larger U.S.). We have also modified some boundaries (Halpern et al. 2012, 2015). We do not estimate OHI values for disputed or unclaimed areas.
Figure 4.1. Global regions Map of the OHI regions (with color corresponding to 2022 regional index scores). Mollweide coordinate reference system is used because it accurately represents area.