This document describes the steps for obtaining and wrangling Global Competitiveness Index data to create the li_gci layer, used in resilience calculations for multiple goals for the global assessment. The general data preparation calculations are summarized here. For in-depth explanation and context see the livelihoods and economies subgoals model summaries.
Slight change to gapfilling for North Korea. Score was previously assigned to be 2.8, which was the minimum score calculated in the 2014 assessment. Now score is assigned to be the minimum value from recent 6 years of global data (non-gapfilled data). No other updates to the methodology were made.
Downloaded: May 4, 2018
Description: A weighted index based on 12 socioeconomic factors relevant to economic competitiveness and productivity: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication, and innovation. See interactive map. Report on the 2017-2018 global competitiveness index is located here, and data can be downloaded here.
Native data resolution: Country scores
Time range: 2007-2017
Format: Excel file
Load all relevant libraries, source common.R, and define frequently used pathnames. Manually change scenario and data years in file pathnames code chunk to reflect the most recent data and current assessment year.
## set options for all chunks in code
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, fig.path = 'figs/')
scenario_yr <- "v2018" # change to reflect assessment year
data_yr_gci <- "d2018" # change to reflect year of most recently downloaded data
## comment out when knitting
# setwd(paste0("globalprep/res_gci/", scenario_yr))
## source common.R
## define commonly used file paths
path_raw_data <- file.path(dir_M, "git-annex/globalprep/_raw_data")
if(!requireNamespace("ohicore", quietly = TRUE))
if(!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE))
pkgs <- c("ohicore", "dplyr", "tidyr", "stringr", "readr")
lapply(pkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)
dir_wef <- list.files(file.path(path_raw_data, sprintf("WEF-Economics/%s", data_yr_gci)),
pattern = "GCI_Dataset\\S{10}.csv$",
full.names = TRUE)
wef_raw <- read.csv(dir_wef, skip = 3, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dir_wef # check reading the correct year of downloaded data
wef <- wef_raw[ , names(wef_raw) != ""] # eliminate columns without names
wef <- wef %>%
filter(Series == "Global Competitiveness Index") %>%
filter(Attribute == "Value") %>%
select(-(1:2), -(4:8), year = Edition) %>%
gather(country, value, -year) %>%
mutate(score = as.numeric(value)) %>% # global competitiveness index score
mutate(year = as.numeric(as.character(substring(year, 1, 4)))) %>%
select(year, country, score) %>%
filter(year >= 2010)
Gapfilling for this resilience layer consists of three main steps:
wef_gf <- wef %>%
group_by(country) %>%
mutate(N = sum(! %>%
mutate(gf_mean = mean(score, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% # fill with single value
table(wef_gf$N) # how many rows in each category of 1-8 missing scores?
filter(wef_gf, N==1) # Belize is only region with just 1 year of data (2011)
wef_gf <- wef_gf %>%
group_by(country) %>%
mod <- lm(score ~ year, data = .)
gf_lm <- predict(mod, newdata = .[c('year')])
data.frame(., gf_lm) # fill with linear model if more than 1 missing year for a region
}) %>%
ungroup() # warning message bc some linear models predicted on just 1 year of data, but that's OK
filter(wef_gf, N==4) # check the data: filter by a few different N and countries
N_max <- max(wef_gf$N) # assumes at least one region with all years of data
wef_gf <- wef_gf %>%
mutate(gapfill = ifelse(N < N_max &, 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(method = ifelse(gapfill == 1 & N == 1, "within region: one value all years", NA)) %>%
mutate(method = ifelse(gapfill == 1 & N < N_max & N > 1, "within region: lm", method)) %>%
mutate(score = ifelse(gapfill == 1 & N == 1, gf_mean, score)) %>%
mutate(score = ifelse(gapfill == 1 & N < N_max & N > 1, gf_lm, score)) %>%
select(year, country, score, gapfill, method)
length(unique(wef_gf$country)) # 159 countries (2018 assessment)
wef <- wef_gf %>%
mutate(country = as.character(country)) %>%
mutate(country = ifelse(country == "Congo, Democratic Rep.", "Democratic Republic of the Congo", country)) %>%
mutate(country = ifelse(str_detect(country, "C\\Ste d'Ivoire"), "Ivory Coast", country))
wef_rgn <- name_2_rgn(df_in = wef,
filter(wef_rgn, rgn_id == 209) # region 209 is China
weight_data <- data.frame(country = c("China", "Hong Kong SAR"),
population = c(1379000000, 7347000))
wef_rgn <- wef_rgn %>%
arrange(country, year) %>%
left_join(weight_data, by = "country") %>%
mutate(population = ifelse(, 1, population)) %>%
group_by(rgn_id, rgn_name, gapfill, method, year) %>%
summarize(score = weighted.mean(score, population)) %>%
select(rgn_id, rgn_name, year, gapfill, method, score)
head(wef_rgn, 10) # check
setdiff(seq(1, 250), unique(wef_rgn$rgn_id)) # missing regions...
years <- data.frame(year = min(wef_rgn$year) : max(wef_rgn$year))
wef_rgn_gf_un <- georegions %>% # georegions sourced from common.R
merge(years) %>%
left_join(wef_rgn) # this joining adds in missing regions; will be gapfilled by methods below
## compare models to select a gapfilling method (which set of georegions to use)
mod1 <- lm(score ~ as.factor(r2), data = wef_rgn_gf_un)
mod2 <- lm(score ~ as.factor(r2) + year, data = wef_rgn_gf_un)
mod3 <- lm(score ~ as.factor(r1), data = wef_rgn_gf_un)
## include since some R2 regions have no data...
r2_regions <- unique(wef_rgn_gf_un$r2[!$score)])
wef_rgn_gf_un$r2 <- ifelse(wef_rgn_gf_un$r2 %in% r2_regions, wef_rgn_gf_un$r2, NA)
r1_regions <- unique(wef_rgn_gf_un$r1[!$score)])
wef_rgn_gf_un$r1 <- ifelse(wef_rgn_gf_un$r1 %in% r1_regions, wef_rgn_gf_un$r1, NA)
## estimate missing data and predict gapfilling-by-un regions scores
mod_gf_r2 <- lm(score ~ as.factor(r2), data = wef_rgn_gf_un, na.action = na.exclude)
wef_rgn_gf_un$score_pred_r2 <- predict(mod_gf_r2, newdata = data.frame(r2 = wef_rgn_gf_un$r2))
mod_gf_r1 <- lm(score ~ as.factor(r1), data = wef_rgn_gf_un, na.action = na.exclude)
wef_rgn_gf_un$score_pred_r1 <- predict(mod_gf_r1, newdata = data.frame(r1 = wef_rgn_gf_un$r1))
head(wef_rgn_gf_un) # checks
## incorporate gapfilling part II (with un georegions) including documentation
## running this line by line is helpful and view between each line; esp after last mutate(method = ...)
wef_gf2 <- wef_rgn_gf_un %>%
mutate(gapfill = ifelse(( & !(, 1, gapfill)) %>%
mutate(method = ifelse(( & !(, "UN r2 georegion", method)) %>%
mutate(method = ifelse(( & & !, "UN r1 georegion", method)) %>%
mutate(score = ifelse(, score_pred_r2, score)) %>%
mutate(score = ifelse(, score_pred_r1, score)) %>%
select(rgn_id, year, gapfill, method, score)
length(unique(wef_gf2$rgn_id)) # checks; should be 220 regions
These regions will receive an NA for their score (when established population is < 100 people).
uninhab <- read.csv("../../../src/LookupTables/rgn_uninhabited_islands.csv") %>%
filter( | est_population < 100)
wef <- wef_gf2 %>%
mutate(score = ifelse(rgn_id %in% uninhab$rgn_id, NA, score)) %>%
mutate(gapfill = ifelse(rgn_id %in% uninhab$rgn_id, NA, gapfill)) %>%
mutate(method = ifelse(rgn_id %in% uninhab$rgn_id, NA, method))
unique(wef[$score),"rgn_id"]) # regions missing scores
uninhab$rgn_id # check this set and above set of rgn_ids equal
## appears to have been calculated at one time with real data; fill with the old value of 2.8
## gapfilled using un regions r2 above, but replace score (special case)
nk_gf <- wef %>%
filter(gapfill == 0) %>%
filter(year >= max(year)-5) %>%
summarize(score = min(score))
wef <- wef[-which(wef$rgn_id == 21),]
nk <- data.frame(rgn_id = 21, year = min(wef$year):max(wef$year), gapfill = 1,
method = "min from recent 6 years of global data", score = nk_gf)
wef <- rbind(wef, nk)
res_data <- wef %>%
select(rgn_id, year, resilience_score = score) %>%
mutate(resilience_score = resilience_score/7) # score ranges from 0-7, normalize to range of 0-1
write.csv(res_data, "output/gci_res.csv", row.names = FALSE)
gf_data <- wef %>%
select(rgn_id, year, gapfill, method)
write.csv(gf_data, "output/gci_gf.csv", row.names = FALSE)
previous_yr <- as.numeric(substr(scenario_yr, 2, 5)) - 1
old <- read.csv(sprintf("../v%s/output/gci_res.csv", previous_yr))
old <- old %>%
rename(old_score = resilience_score) %>%
left_join(res_data, by = c("rgn_id", "year"))
plot(old$old_score, old$resilience_score)
# identify(old$old_score, old$resilience_score, labels = old$rgn_id) # to look at outliers
abline(0,1, col="red")