
Ocean Health Index: Convention on Biological Diversity

This folder has data derived from country responses to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report. These data are used for several resilience layers related to habitat protection.

The folders in this file include the metadata, R scripts, and data for each assessement year (i.e., the year the assessment was conducted). The most current year represents the best available data and methods, and previous years are maintained for archival purposes.

Our data managment SOP describes how we manage OHI global data, including a description of the file structure.

Please see our citation policy if you use OHI data or methods.

Thank you!

Notes from MRF (Feb 2 2016)

Moved from ohiprep/Global/GL-Resilience_Fish_Hab_2014a (now deleted) Resilience_2014a.R: describes how the fishing_v1 and habitat_combo resilience layers are created using a combination of data (described in HAB_resilience_guide.pdf) (This is no longer relevant because we no longer use composite resilience data.)

Other potentially relevant files include: neptune: model/GL-CBD-Survey neptune: model/GL-NCEAS-Resilience_Mora

Source: GL-CBD-Survey

For 147 regions, we use actuals, and geographical means weighted by country area for the remaining regions.

We categorize the CBD questions into 6 different categories as follows:

     category      | question 
 cbd-alien-species | 160b
 cbd-alien-species | 160c
 cbd-alien-species | 160d
 cbd-alien-species | 160e
 cbd-habitat       | 153a
 cbd-habitat       | 153b
 cbd-habitat       | 153c
 cbd-habitat       | 153e
 cbd-habitat       | 153g
 cbd-habitat       | 158a
 cbd-habitat       | 158b
 cbd-habitat       | 158c
 cbd-habitat       | 158f
 cbd-habitat       | 158g
 cbd-habitat       | 158h
 cbd-mariculture   | 158d
 cbd-mariculture   | 159a
 cbd-mariculture   | 159b
 cbd-mariculture   | 159c
 cbd-mariculture   | 159e
 cbd-mariculture   | 159f
 cbd-mariculture   | 159g
 cbd-mariculture   | 159h
 cbd-mariculture   | 159i
 cbd-mariculture   | 159j
 cbd-mariculture   | 159k
 cbd-mariculture   | 159l
 cbd-tourism       | 79x
 cbd-tourism       | 80x
 cbd-tourism       | 82x
 cbd-water         | 153d
 cbd-water         | 153f
(32 rows)

For the CBD signatories we designated 51 territories with the signatory status of their soverign nation.

 iso3166_from | iso3166_to 
 ABW          | NLD
 AIA          | GBR
 ALA          | FIN
 ANT          | NLD
 ASM          | USA
 ATF          | FRA
 BES          | NLD
 BLM          | FRA
 BMU          | GBR
 BVT          | NOR
 CCK          | AUS
 CUW          | NLD
 CXR          | AUS
 CYM          | GBR
 FLK          | GBR
 FRO          | DNK
 GGY          | GBR
 GIB          | GBR
 GLP          | FRA
 GRL          | DNK
 GUF          | FRA
 GUM          | USA
 HKG          | CHN
 HMD          | AUS
 IMN          | GBR
 IOT          | GBR
 JEY          | GBR
 MAC          | CHN
 MAF          | FRA
 MNP          | USA
 MSR          | GBR
 MTQ          | FRA
 MYT          | FRA
 NCL          | FRA
 NFK          | AUS
 PCN          | GBR
 PRI          | USA
 PYF          | FRA
 REU          | FRA
 SGS          | GBR
 SHN          | GBR
 SJM          | NOR
 SPM          | FRA
 SXM          | NLD
 TCA          | GBR
 TKL          | NZL
 TWN          | CHN
 UMI          | USA
 VGB          | GBR
 VIR          | USA
 WLF          | FRA
(51 rows)