PHOTO(S): © Marco Carè/Marine Photobank
The OHI 2021 global assessment includes scores from 2012 to 2021 for 220 coastal countries and territories.
This is a BIG deal because this marks our 10th year of calculating the global Ocean Health Index. You can now download 10 years of data which makes the OHI a very useful resource for exploring changes in the sustainable use of ocean resources over time.
Download ScoresThe downloadable dataset includes global and country index scores as well as the goal scores and components used to calculate the scores (see score metadata for a description of the data). See Methodology tab for an overview of OHI score calculations.
Every year we improve the Ocean Health Index by incorporating new data, knowledge, and feedback. In order to make scores comparable among years, we recalculate previous year’s results using the most recent methods and data.
In addition to providing scores, we make all the code used to prepare data and calculate scores available online on GitHub.
Data are prepared and scores calculated using freely available coding and version control software. In the interest of transparency and to promote scientific discovery that builds off our methods, we freely provide the data and scripts used to calculate the global Ocean Health Index. However, we do not provide unaltered data obtained from other sources, to obtain these data you must go the original data sources.
Extra materials we use to calculate scores are available from these locations:
We enthusiastically support the use of our data, but please cite our work.
For general references to the Ocean Health Index framework, please cite the original publication:
Halpern BS, Longo C, Hardy D, McLeod KL, Samhouri JF, Katona SK, et al. (2012) An index to assess the health and benefits of the global ocean. Nature. 2012;488: 615–620. doi:10.1038/nature11397
Primary OHI publications See above
GitHub repository: ohicore The R package used to generate the scores
Ocean Health Index. Year. ohicore version: core Ocean Health Index functions, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
OHI manual The manual describing how to conduct an assessment
Ocean Health Index. 2015. Ocean Health Index Toolbox Manual [date]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:
Ocean Health Index. Year. ohi-global version: Global scenarios data for Ocean Health Index, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at: