This script prepares the final B/Bmsy data: 1. Calculates the 5 year running average of B/Bmsy data generated using the CMSY method 2. Obtains a B/Bmsy value for each catch record (each FAO/OHI/year/species combination), prioritizing RAM data
B/Bmsy values from the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment data are generated in RAM_data_prep.Rmd
B/Bmsy values from the CMSY method are generated in calculate_bbmsy.Rmd
Mean catch data created in catch_data_prep.Rmd
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, fig.path = 'figs/',message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, eval=FALSE)
source(here("workflow", "R", "common.R"))
# ---- set year and file path info ----
current_year <- 2024 # Update this in the future!!
version_year <- paste0("v",current_year)
data_dir_version_year <- paste0("d", current_year)
# intermediate directory
int_dir <- here("globalprep", "fis", version_year, "int")
# output directory
output_dir <- here("globalprep", "fis", version_year, "output")
For the CMSY generated B/Bmsy values we use the five year running mean of the values to smooth the data and to account for model uncertainty.
cmsy <- read_csv(here::here(output_dir, "cmsy_bbmsy.csv")) %>%
filter(! %>%
dplyr::select(stock_id, year, bbmsy_q2.5,bbmsy_q97.5,bbmsy_sd, bbmsy_mean, model) %>%
arrange(stock_id, year) %>%
group_by(stock_id) %>%
mutate(mean_5year = rollmean(bbmsy_mean, 5, align="right", fill=NA))
write_csv(cmsy, here(int_dir, "cmsy_b_bmsy_mean5yrs.csv"))
A few regions have multiple RAM stocks for the same species (see scientific name). In these cases, we will average the B/Bmsy values of the species, weighted by the area of the RAM stock.
Read in the three data tables:
cmsy <- read_csv(here(int_dir, "cmsy_b_bmsy_mean5yrs.csv")) %>%
dplyr::select(stock_id, year, cmsy_bbmsy=mean_5year)
ram <- read_csv(here(int_dir, "ram_bmsy.csv")) %>% # final output from RAM_data_prep
rename(stock_id = stockid) # to match other two data tables
mean_catch <- read_csv(here(output_dir, "mean_catch_minus_feed.csv")) %>% # final output from Watson catch
mutate(taxon_key = str_extract(stock_id_taxonkey, "(\\d)+$")) %>% # extract ending consecutive digits
mutate(stock_id = str_extract(stock_id_taxonkey, "^(\\w+).(\\d){1,2}"))
Check number of Watson stocks that have CMSY or RAM B/Bmsy values:
length(unique(setdiff(ram$stock_id, mean_catch$stock_id))) # v2024: 77 stocks
length(unique(setdiff(mean_catch$stock_id, ram$stock_id))) # v2024: 8479 stocks
length(unique(intersect(ram$stock_id, mean_catch$stock_id)))
#332 stocks with RAM-B/Bmsy data (although RAM is matched by fao and rgn ids) - v2020
#367 stocks with RAM-B/Bmsy data (although RAM is matched by fao and rgns ids) - v2021
# 374 stocks with RAM-B/Bmsy data (although RAM is matched by fao and rgns ids) - v2022
# 398 stocks with RAM-B/Bmsy data (although RAM is matched by fao and rgns ids) - v2023
# 396 stocks with RAM-B/Bmsy data (although RAM is matched by fao and rgn ids) - v2024
setdiff(cmsy$stock_id, mean_catch$stock_id) # v2024: 7 stocks in cmsy not in mean_catch
length(unique(setdiff(mean_catch$stock_id, cmsy$stock_id))) # v2024: 7853 in mean_catch not in cmsy
length(intersect(mean_catch$stock_id, cmsy$stock_id)) # v2024: 1022 stocks with CMSY-B/Bmsy data
#703 stocks with CMSY-B/Bmsy data - v2020
#1014 stocks with CMSY-B/Bmsy data; WOW! - v2021
#1022 stocks with CMSY-B/Bmsy data; WOW! - v2022
#1022 stocks with CMSY-B/Bmsy data; WOW! - v2023 (didn't change because none of these were updated this year)
# 1022 stocks with CMSY-B/Bmsy data; WOW! - v2024 (didn't change because none of these were updated this year)
Combine Watson to RAM-B/Bmsy:
data <- mean_catch %>%
left_join(ram, by=c('rgn_id', 'stock_id', "year"))
# 608006 catch records (catch from specific fao and ohi regions) when joined with ram increases to 612599 because there are multiple stocks for some species - v2019
# 704173 catch records (catch from specific fao and ohi regions) when joined with ram increases to 709274 because there are multiple stocks for some species - v2020
# 609501 catch records (catch from specific fao and ohi regions) when joined with ram increases to 615043 because there are multiple stocks for some species; we see this decrease in catch records from last year because we are using new fisheries data (SAUP) this year - v2021
# 648270 catch records (catch from specific fao and ohi regions) when joined with ram increases to 653878 because there are multiple stocks for some species; we see this increase in catch records from last year because we are using an extra year of catch data (SAUP) this year - v2022
# 654524 catch records (catch from specific fao and ohi regions) when joined with ram increases to 653878 because there are multiple stocks for some species; we see this increase in catch records from last year because we are using an extra year of RAM data - v2023
# 648270 catch records (catch from specific fao and ohi regions) when joined with ram increases to 653783 because there are multiple stocks for some species; we see this decrease in catch records from last year because there were more unused stocks than new stocks - v2024
sum(!$ram_bmsy))/nrow(data) # about 7.32% of catch records have RAM data - v2024
perc_ram <- sum(data$mean_catch[!$ram_bmsy)])/sum(data$mean_catch) *100 # about 46.3% of tons of catch have RAM data (this is less than last year, which was 47%!) - v2024
# to see how much data is sourced from RAM vs CMSY
compare_ram_cmsy <- data.frame(
category = c("RAM", "CMSY"),
percentage = c(perc_ram, 100 - perc_ram)
# visualize the distribution of RAM vs CMSY data used
ggplot(compare_ram_cmsy, aes(x = category, y = percentage)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5) +
coord_flip() +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 100),
breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 20)) +
labs(title = "RAM vs CMSY Data Usage for B/Bmsy (v2024)",
x = "",
y = "Percent of total catch") +
Save & view duplicate stocks:
sum(duplicated(paste(data$rgn_id, data$stock_id, data$year, sep="_")))
# 7773 regions with multiple RAM stocks (stockid_ram) for the same species (see scientific name in stockid) - v2019
# 8028 regions with multiple RAM stocks (stockid_ram) for the same species - v2020
# 5542 regions with multiple RAM stocks (stockid_ram) for the same species - v2021
# 5608 regions with multiple RAM stocks (stockid_ram) for the same species - v2022
# 6254 regions with multiple RAM stocks (stockid_ram) for the same species - v2023
# 5513 regions with multiple RAM stocks (stockid_ram) for the same species - v2024
## save the duplicate stock values to take a look at an example
tmp <- data[duplicated(paste(data$rgn_id, data$stock_id, data$year, sep="_")), ]
## Examples of a region with multiple RAM stocks of the same species
filter(data, rgn_id == 9, year == 2001, stock_id == "Thunnus_alalunga-71") # stocks ALBANPAC and ALBASPAC are the same species; mean catch 1350.19 tonnes
Regions with multiple stocks of the same species will have B/Bmsy values averaged, weighted by the area of the RAM stock within the region
## Group by location, year, and species before taking a weighted mean of the catch
data <- data %>%
group_by(rgn_id, taxon_key, stock_id, year, mean_catch) %>%
summarize(ram_bmsy = ifelse(all(!, weighted.mean(ram_bmsy, RAM_area_m2, na.rm=TRUE), mean(ram_bmsy, na.rm = TRUE)),
gapfilled = ifelse(all(, NA, max(gapfilled, na.rm=TRUE)),
method = paste(method, collapse = ", ")) %>%
## check that averaging went ok - compare with mean catch values earlier (1350.19)
filter1 <- filter(data, rgn_id == 9, year == 2001, stock_id == "Thunnus_alalunga-71") # v2024: all good, still 1350.19
## check example of duplicate stock catch with ram_bmsy but no RAM_area_m2 value, ram_bmsy should not be NA
filter2 <- filter(data, rgn_id == 224, year == 2019, stock_id == "Heterocarpus_reedi-87") # v2024: all good
# add in the B/Bmsy values from the CMSY approach
data <- data %>%
left_join(cmsy, by=c("stock_id", "year"))
# v2024:
# rgn_id taxon_key stock_id year mean_catch
# Min. : 1.0 Length:648270 Length:648270 Min. :2001 Min. : 0.0
# 1st Qu.: 60.0 Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:2006 1st Qu.: 0.3
# Median :137.0 Mode :character Mode :character Median :2011 Median : 9.6
# Mean :124.8 Mean :2010 Mean : 1800.8
# 3rd Qu.:183.0 3rd Qu.:2015 3rd Qu.: 162.8
# Max. :250.0 Max. :2019 Max. :2960647.0
# ram_bmsy gapfilled method cmsy_bbmsy
# Min. : 0.0 Min. :0.0 Length:648270 Min. :0.0
# 1st Qu.: 0.7 1st Qu.:0.0 Class :character 1st Qu.:0.5
# Median : 1.1 Median :0.0 Mode :character Median :1.1
# Mean : 1.2 Mean :0.1 Mean :1.0
# 3rd Qu.: 1.6 3rd Qu.:0.0 3rd Qu.:1.3
# Max. :21.7 Max. :1.0 Max. :1.9
# NA's :605897 NA's :605897 NA's :503545
A lot of the NAs for both RAM-bmsy and CMSY are due to unmatched SAUP-RAM stocks.
B/Bmsy values for each catch record are generated (for the species where this is possible) and saved. A corresponding gapfilling dataset is also saved.
data_gf <- data %>%
mutate(bmsy_data_source = ifelse(!, "RAM", NA)) %>%
mutate(bmsy_data_source = ifelse( & !, "CMSY", bmsy_data_source)) %>%
mutate(bbmsy = ifelse(, cmsy_bbmsy, ram_bmsy)) %>%
dplyr::select(rgn_id, stock_id, taxon_key, year, bbmsy, bmsy_data_source, RAM_gapfilled=method, mean_catch) %>%
filter(year >= 2001)
old <- read_csv(here::here("globalprep","fis","v2023","output","fis_bbmsy_gf.csv"))
length(unique(data_gf$rgn_id)) # v2024: 220
write_csv(data_gf, here(output_dir,"fis_bbmsy_gf.csv"))
data_gf <- read_csv(here(output_dir, "fis_bbmsy_gf.csv"))
bbmsy <- data_gf %>%
dplyr::select(rgn_id, stock_id, year, bbmsy) %>%
bbmsy_dups_fixed <- bbmsy %>%
group_by(rgn_id, stock_id, year) %>%
summarise(bbmsy = mean(bbmsy)) %>% ## account for the duplicated TaxonName/CommonName noted in "catch_data_prep.Rmd" (if there were any)...
#old <- read_csv(file.path("../v2020/output/fis_bbmsy.csv"))
write_csv(bbmsy_dups_fixed, here(output_dir, "fis_bbmsy.csv"))
## check against old
data_gf_old<- read_csv(here("globalprep","fis","v2023","output", "fis_bbmsy_gf.csv"))
bbmsy <- data_gf_old %>%
dplyr::select(rgn_id, stock_id, year, bbmsy) %>%
bbmsy_dups_fixed_old <- bbmsy %>%
group_by(rgn_id, stock_id, year) %>%
summarise(bbmsy = mean(bbmsy)) %>% ## account for the duplicated TaxonName/CommonName noted in "catch_data_prep.Rmd" (if there were any)...
#old <- read_csv(file.path("../v2020/output/fis_bbmsy.csv"))
Data check
## check regions (pitcairn and usa) for changes
old <- read_csv(here("globalprep","fis","v2023","output","fis_bbmsy_gf.csv"))
new <- read_csv(here("globalprep","fis","v2024","output","fis_bbmsy_gf.csv"))
old_pit <- old %>%
filter(rgn_id == 146)
mean(old_pit$bbmsy, na.rm = TRUE) # 1.135239
new_pit <- new %>%
filter(rgn_id == 146)
mean(new_pit$bbmsy, na.rm = TRUE) # 1.135239 -- the exact same in v2024
old_usa <- old %>%
filter(rgn_id == 163)
mean(old_usa$bbmsy, na.rm = TRUE) # 1.136894
new_usa <- new %>%
filter(rgn_id == 163)
mean(new_usa$bbmsy, na.rm = TRUE) # 1.150863 -- not the exact same, but close! v2024
# v2024: plot differences for better understanding
compare <- new %>%
left_join(old, by = c("rgn_id", "stock_id", "taxon_key", "year")) %>%
mutate(diff = bbmsy.x - bbmsy.y) %>%
filter(year %in% c(2016:2019))
# v2024: points above the red line indicate an increase in B/Bmsy from 2023 to 2024, while points below indicate a decrease
comparison_plot <- ggplot(compare, aes(x = bbmsy.x, y = bbmsy.y)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
geom_abline(color = "darkred", linetype = "dashed") + # reference line
title = "B/Bmsy Values: v2023 vs v2024",
x = "v2023 B/Bmsy",
y = "v2024 B/Bmsy"
) +
theme_minimal() +
coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, color = "lightblue") # the trend is slightly downward, meaning there is a slight decrease in B/Bmsy values in 2024 compared to 2023.
# v2024: check for year 2019 only
compare_2019 <- compare %>%
filter(year %in% 2019)
comparison_plot_2019 <- ggplot(compare_2019, aes(x = bbmsy.x, y = bbmsy.y)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
geom_abline(color = "darkred", linetype = "dashed") + # reference line
title = "B/Bmsy Values in 2019: v2023 vs v2024",
x = "v2023 B/Bmsy",
y = "v2024 B/Bmsy"
) +
theme_minimal() +
coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
xlim(0, 12) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, color = "lightblue") # the trend is slightly downward, meaning there is a slight decrease in B/Bmsy values in 2024 compared to 2023.
For understanding results:
When B/BMSY = 1, then biomass equals BMSY. If B/BMSY falls below 1, biomass is too low to provide maximum sustainable yield.. This is also seen in Christopher Costello’s 2016 paper, “Global fishery prospects under contrasting management regimes.”
# read in our final data frame saved earlier
final_b_bmsy <- read_csv(here(output_dir, "fis_bbmsy.csv"))
# interactive plotly of b/bmsy for each stock
fis_plot <- final_b_bmsy %>%
plot_ly(x = ~year, y = ~bbmsy, color = ~stock_id,
type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>%
layout(title = "B/Bmsy by Stock ID",
xaxis = list(title = "Year"),
yaxis = list(title = "B/Bmsy (overfished is < 1)"))
# comparison of how many stocks are over/underfished in total
fish_status <-final_b_bmsy %>%
mutate(fish_status = case_when(
bbmsy < 1 ~ "overfished",
bbmsy >= 1 ~ "sustainable",
.default = NA
fish_status_summary_2019 <- fish_status %>%
filter(year %in% 2019) %>%
group_by(rgn_id, fish_status) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
ggplot(fish_status_summary_2019, aes(x = fish_status, y = count, fill = fish_status)) +
geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity") +
labs(title = "Comparison of Overfished and Sustainable Stocks in 2019",
x = "B/Bmsy Stock Status",
y = "Number of stocks") +
fish_status_summary_all_time <- fish_status %>%
group_by(rgn_id, fish_status) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
ggplot(fish_status_summary_all_time, aes(x = fish_status, y = count, fill = fish_status)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
labs(title = "Comparison of Overfished and Sustainable Stocks 2012 - 2019",
x = "B/Bmsy Stock Status",
y = "Number of stocks") +
# ---- 10 most overfished stocks in 2019 (B/Bmsy < 1) ----
overfished_2019 <- fish_status %>%
filter(fish_status %in% "overfished")
# interactive plotly of b/bmsy for each stock
over_fis_plot <- overfished_2019 %>%
plot_ly(x = ~year, y = ~bbmsy, color = ~stock_id,
type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>%
layout(title = "B/Bmsy by Stock ID",
xaxis = list(title = "Year"),
yaxis = list(title = "B/Bmsy < 1)"))
# ---- all sustainable stocks in 2019 (B/Bmsy > 1) ----
# comparison of how many stocks are over/underfished by region