This script generates the extent of saltmarsh for each OHI region.
Updating the data with new dataset!
Reference: Mcowen, C., Weatherdon, L., Bochove, J.-W., Sullivan, E., Blyth, S., Zockler, C., Stanwell-Smith, D., Kingston, N., Martin, C., Spalding, M., Fletcher, S., 2017. A global map of saltmarshes. BDJ 5, e11764.
Downloaded: 03/09/2021
Global Distribution of saltmarshes Reported at spatial cell scale.
This dataset shows the global distribution of saltmarshes, and is composed of two subsets of point and polygon occurence data. The data were compiled by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre in collaboration with many collaborators (e.g. Frederick Short of the University of New Hampshire), organisations (e.g. the OSPAR Convention for the Northeast Atlantic sea), and projects (e.g. the European project Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats “Mediseh”), across the globe (full list available in “Metadata_saltmarsh.dbf”).
Time range: 1973-2015
Convert saltmarsh shapefiles into same CRS as our regions shapefile
Prep polygon data
## filter for eez
<- regions %>%
regions_eez filter(rgn_type == "eez")
# ## filter for land
<- regions %>%
regions_land filter(rgn_type == "land")
# crs(regions_eez)
# crs(v6_saltmarsh_py_moll)
# regions_all <- regions %>%
# group_by(rgn_id) %>%
# summarise(geometry = st_union(geometry))
# mapview(head(regions_all))
# Test st_intersection on one row
<- st_intersection(v6_saltmarsh_py_moll, regions[3, ])
sm_subset1 mapview(sm_subset1)
#### 2021 chunk the subsetting by METADATA_I ####
## get a template to start adding to instead and run a for loop, so we don't lose any work if it fails...
## this will take awhile... ~1 hour
<- v6_saltmarsh_py_moll %>%
test %>%
::select(METADATA_I, GIS_AREA_K) %>%
dplyrgroup_by(METADATA_I) %>%
summarise(n(), area = sum(GIS_AREA_K))
<- v6_saltmarsh_py_moll %>%
saltmarsh_1 ::filter(METADATA_I == 1)
<- st_intersection(st_make_valid(saltmarsh_1), regions)
sm_subset_py sum(st_area(sm_subset_py))*0.000001 # 3293.699 km2
# sm_subset_py <- st_read(file.path(dir_M, "git-annex/globalprep/hab_saltmarsh/v2021/int/saltmarsh_extent_regions_py_81.shp")) ## I had to stop the loop at metadata_I == 81 because 82 is so large... read it back in and restart since 82 will take a long time
sum(st_area(sm_subset_py))*0.000001 # 13111.01
<- unique(sort(v6_saltmarsh_py_moll$METADATA_I))
datasets <- length(unique(sort(v6_saltmarsh_py_moll$METADATA_I)))
for(i in 2:n_datasets){ #i = 2
<- datasets[i]
<- v6_saltmarsh_py_moll %>%
sm_data ::filter(METADATA_I == dataset_id)
<- st_intersection(st_make_valid(sm_data), regions)
<- rbind(sm_subset_py, sm_data)
print(i) ## what dataset are we on?
print(n_datasets) ## out of how many datasets?
print(nrow(sm_subset_py)) ## how many rows does our new dataframe have now?
<- sm_subset_py ## save another in our enviro just in case
## save our progress
st_write(sm_subset_py, file.path(dir_M, "git-annex/globalprep/hab_saltmarsh/v2021/int/saltmarsh_extent_regions_py.shp"), overwrite = TRUE) ## save to mazu so we don't lose all of that work
<- sf::st_read(dsn = file.path(dir_M, "git-annex/globalprep/hab_saltmarsh/v2021/int/"), layer = "saltmarsh_extent_regions_py")
## plot to see
plot(regions$geometry, col = sf.colors(12, categorical = TRUE), border = 'grey',
axes = TRUE)
plot(saltmarsh_subset_py$geometry, add = TRUE)
## get central america coordinates in MOLL and plot to make sure it worked:
<- st_sfc(st_point(c(-90, 6)), st_point(c(-78, 18)),
disp_win_wgs84 crs = 4326) ## c(xmin,yim), c(xmax,ymax)
<- st_transform(disp_win_wgs84, crs = '+proj=moll')
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = regions_eez$geometry, col = sf.colors(239, categorical = TRUE)) +
geom_sf(data = regions_land$geometry, fill = sf.colors(229, categorical = TRUE)) +
geom_sf(data = saltmarsh_subset_py$geometry, col = "red") +
coord_sf(xlim = c(-8989531, -7578769),ylim = c(741349.5,2211539))
## plot global
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = regions_eez$geometry, col = sf.colors(239, categorical = TRUE)) +
geom_sf(data = regions_land$geometry, fill = sf.colors(229, categorical = TRUE)) +
geom_sf(data = saltmarsh_subset_py$geometry, col = "red")
## calculate polygon areas
<- saltmarsh_subset_py %>%
saltmarsh_area_py mutate(extent_km2 = st_area(saltmarsh_subset_py)*0.000001)
st_geometry(saltmarsh_area_py) <- NULL
## group by and summarise to get area per each rgn_id
<- saltmarsh_area_py %>%
saltmarsh_area_py_sum group_by(rgn_id) %>%
summarise(sum_extent_km2 = as.numeric(sum(extent_km2)))
sum(saltmarsh_area_py_sum$sum_extent_km2) # 55781.7655781.76 km2 of polygons - basically perfect!!
sum(v6_saltmarsh_py_moll$GIS_AREA_K) # 55667.35 - a little less than the area above, but that is OK... the small difference is probably due to reprojecting
## save this
write.csv(saltmarsh_area_py_sum, "int/saltmarsh_py_area.csv", row.names = FALSE)
Prep points data
## read in points data
<- sf::st_read(dsn = file.path(dir_wcmc, "14_001_WCMC027_Saltmarsh_v6/01_Data"), layer = "WCMC027_Saltmarshes_Pt_v6")
## transform pts data to have same crs as regions eez
<- st_transform(v6_saltmarsh_pts, crs = "+proj=moll +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
#### 2021 chunk the subsetting by datasetid ####
## get a template to start adding to instead and run a for loop, so we don't lose any work if it fails or we need to stop it for some reason...
<- v6_saltmarsh_pts %>%
test %>%
::select(METADATA_I) %>%
dplyrgroup_by(METADATA_I) %>%
<- v6_saltmarsh_pts %>%
saltmarsh_pts_0 ::filter(METADATA_I == 0)
<- st_intersection(st_make_valid(saltmarsh_pts_0), regions)
<- unique(sort(v6_saltmarsh_pts$METADATA_I))
datasets <- length(unique(sort(v6_saltmarsh_pts$METADATA_I)))
for(i in 2:n_datasets){ #i = 2 ## Have the start the loop with 2, since we've already completed i = 1 (METADATA_I == 0) above to make our template sf
<- datasets[i]
<- v6_saltmarsh_pts %>%
sm_data ::filter(METADATA_I == dataset_id)
<- st_intersection(st_make_valid(sm_data), regions)
<- rbind(sm_subset_pts, sm_data)
print(i) ## what dataset are we on?
print(n_datasets) ## out of how many datasets?
print(nrow(sm_subset_pts)) ## how many rows does our new dataframe have now? (should end up with less than ~17000)
## save the points subset
st_write(sm_subset_pts, file.path(dir_M, "git-annex/globalprep/hab_saltmarsh/v2021/int/saltmarsh_extent_regions_pts.shp"), overwrite = TRUE)
## plot to make sure it works
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = regions_eez$geometry, col = sf.colors(239, categorical = TRUE)) +
geom_sf(data = regions_land$geometry, fill = sf.colors(229, categorical = TRUE)) +
geom_sf(data = sm_subset_pts$geometry, col = "red")
#### Now we will calculate a proxy area for each region which has points. We will do this by counting the points in each rgn_id, figuring out the median size of each polygon in those countries from our polygon dataset, and assigning that median value to each point. If there is no median value for a specific country, we will gapfill with the global median.
<- st_read(file.path(dir_M, "git-annex/globalprep/hab_saltmarsh/v2021/int/saltmarsh_extent_regions_pts.shp"))
<- sf::st_read(dsn = file.path(dir_M, "git-annex/globalprep/hab_saltmarsh/v2021/int/"), layer = "saltmarsh_extent_regions_py")
saltmarsh_subset_py <- saltmarsh_subset_py %>%
saltmarsh_area_py mutate(extent_km2 = st_area(saltmarsh_subset_py)*0.000001)
st_geometry(saltmarsh_area_py) <- NULL
## get a count of the points in each region
<- sm_subset_pts %>%
saltmarsh_points_area group_by(rgn_id) %>%
summarise(count_points = n())
## get rid of geometry column to make this a df
st_geometry(saltmarsh_points_area) <- NULL
## filter for the point regions
<- saltmarsh_area_py %>%
test filter(rgn_id %in% saltmarsh_points_area$rgn_id) %>%
group_by(rgn_id) %>%
summarise(mean_km2 = mean(extent_km2),
median_km2 = median(extent_km2),
count_polygons = n())
mean(saltmarsh_area_py$extent_km2) # 14.2555
<- as.numeric(median(saltmarsh_area_py$extent_km2)) # 0.1121728
global_median_km2 ## we will use the lower of the global values
## now multiply the count of points by the median area of points in these locations to get our extent in km2, for those that are still NA after (the regions which dont have polygons, and only have points), we will give them the global median size
<- saltmarsh_points_area %>%
saltmarsh_points_area_sum left_join(test, by = "rgn_id") %>%
mutate(extent_km2 = median_km2*count_points) %>%
mutate(extent_km2 = ifelse(, global_median_km2*count_points, extent_km2)) %>%
::select(rgn_id, sum_extent_km2_pts = extent_km2)
sum(saltmarsh_points_area_sum$sum_extent_km2_pts) # 5928.334 km2
## save this data
write.csv(saltmarsh_points_area_sum, "int/saltmarsh_points_area.csv", row.names = FALSE)
Combine points and polygon area estimates into one dataset
<- read_csv("int/saltmarsh_points_area.csv")
saltmarsh_points_area_sum <- read_csv("int/saltmarsh_py_area.csv")
## finally, combine our points areas and polygon areas into one dataset and save
<- saltmarsh_area_py_sum %>%
saltmarsh_area_final full_join(saltmarsh_points_area_sum, by = "rgn_id") %>%
mutate(sum_extent_km2 = replace_na(sum_extent_km2, 0),
sum_extent_km2_pts = replace_na(sum_extent_km2_pts, 0)) %>% ## make all of the NAs --> 0 so that we can sum
mutate(extent_km2_final = sum_extent_km2 + sum_extent_km2_pts,
habitat = "saltmarsh",
year = 2017) %>% ## the latest raw data update is year = 2017 (when this dataset was published)
::select(rgn_id, year, habitat, km2 = extent_km2_final) %>%
dplyrfilter(rgn_id < 255)
write.csv(saltmarsh_area_final, "data/habitat_extent_saltmarsh_updated.csv", row.names = FALSE)
## lets make a gapfilling file
<- saltmarsh_area_final %>%
saltmarsh_area_final_gf ::select(rgn_id, habitat) %>%
dplyrmutate(variable = "extent", gap_fill = 0) %>%
full_join(rgns_eez, by = "rgn_id") %>%
::select(rgn_id, habitat, variable, gap_fill) %>%
dplyrmutate(habitat = "saltmarsh", variable = "extent")
write.csv(saltmarsh_area_final_gf, "data/extent_saltmarsh_gf.csv", row.names = FALSE)
<- sf::st_read(dsn = file.path(dir_wcmc, "14_001_WCMC027_Saltmarsh_v6/01_Data"), layer = "WCMC027_Saltmarshes_Pt_v6")
<- sf::st_read(dsn = file.path(dir_wcmc, "14_001_WCMC027_Saltmarsh_v6/01_Data"), layer = "WCMC027_Saltmarshes_Py_v6")
<- read_csv("data/habitat_extent_saltmarsh_updated.csv")
<- read_csv("~/github/ohiprep_v2021/globalprep/hab_saltmarsh/v2012/data/habitat_extent_saltmarsh_updated.csv")
<- saltmarsh_area_final %>%
compare_habitat_extent left_join(habitat_extent_saltmarsh_old, by = "rgn_id") %>%
mutate(km2.y = ifelse(
>0 & ,0, #assign 0 values to old data km2 that have new data so that we can properly graph these differences.
)) mutate(difference = km2.x - km2.y)
ggplot(compare_habitat_extent, aes(x = km2.y, y = km2.x)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline() +
labs(title = "saltmarsh Habitat version old vs version 7", x = "old extent", y= "new extent") +
filter(compare_habitat_extent, km2.y == 0)
sum(st_area(v6_saltmarsh_py)) #55667303187 [m^2]
# 55667.3 total area before eez intersection, not including points
#61710.1 total area after eez intersection, including the gapfilled points - the points account for the difference
#37454.98 total area for the old extent data
sum(v6_saltmarsh_py_moll$GIS_AREA_K) # 55667.35
## check saudi arabia:
<- v6_saltmarsh_py %>%
USA_polygons filter(ISO3 == "USA")
sum(USA_polygons$GIS_AREA_K) # 18815.19 - ok... matches our estimate nearly perfectly
sum(st_area(USA_polygons))*0.000001 # 18815.19 km2