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0.1 seagrass data

0.2 nutrient data

0.3 extract nutrient data and save

0.4 extract nutrient data and save

0.5 estimate slope over time

0.5.1 Rescale according to Waycott

From 1990-2000 (the most recent years of trend analysis) there were 115 sites with decreasing seagrass, 72 sites with increasing seagrass and 88 sites with no detectable change. I will assume the proportion of seagrass beds sampled in each category is representative of global seagrass beds.

I also assume that each ~1km2 raster cell is an independent seagrass bed. This is similar to the average size based on polygon areas in original data.

0.6 Scale data

The constant values will have a trend of 0. For the Increasing and Decreasing categories this will scale linearly from 0 to the 99th predicted quantile based on SD.