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This script prepares the final B/Bmsy data: 1. Calculates the 5 year running average of B/Bmsy data generated using the CMSY method 2. Obtains a B/Bmsy value for each catch record (each FAO/OHI/year/species combination), prioritizing RAM data

Updates from previous assessment



B/Bmsy values from the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment data are generated in RAM_data_prep.Rmd

B/Bmsy values from the CMSY method are generated in calculate_bbmsy.Rmd

Mean catch data created in catch_data_prep.Rmd

Combine RAM and CMSY B/Bmsy values and Watson catch data

A few regions have multiple RAM stocks for the same species (see scientific name). In these cases, we will average the B/Bmsy values of the species, weighted by the area of the RAM stock.

Read in the three data tables:

Check number of Watson stocks that have CMSY or RAM B/Bmsy values:

Combine Watson to RAM-B/Bmsy:

Save & view duplicate stocks:

Regions with multiple stocks of the same species will have B/Bmsy values averaged, weighted by the area of the RAM stock within the region

A lot of the NAs for both RAM-bmsy and CMSY are due to unmatched Watson-RAM stocks